Who are We?
We have not compromised on teaching true Judo, yet we are not tied down to traditionalism. In an ever evolving martial art like Judo we also remain ready to adapt and incorporate new advances that may come along.
Judo is too often divided into competition driven and non-competition driven schools. Our Judo program in the Houston area focuses on spreading and teaching both competitive and non-competitive Judo in order to make this dividing line disappear. The strength and the desire to succeed in competition does not go against the spirit or teaching of Judo, is part of it—Maximum efficiency using one’s spirit and mind.
Also, here at the Houston Judo Academy our coaches and instructors volunteer their time and experience to teach Judo. Our goal is to teach classes in a way that maximizes learning while taking the proper care to avoid injuries.
However, and even to this day, there are some old tenets of Judo that still remain true today: hard work, diligence, discipline and self-sacrifice yield the best results
If you are curious about Judo, or if you are a current Judoka needing a new Judo school or extra place to train and practice, you are welcome here. Please come and check us out. You won't be disappointed.
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